Some team members of the Transport Logistics and Sustainable Cities (TLSC) Network from Centre d’Excellence Africain en Logistique, Transport (CEALT) at The University of Djibouti as well as Centre D’excellence Regional Sur Les Villes Durables En Afrique (CERViDA – Dounedon) at the University of Lome visited the Regional Transport Research and Education Centre Kumasi (TRECK) at KNUST. The team from both Centres comprised of Research team members of the research project titled “Comparative Assessment of the Effects of Port activities on Transport, Mobility, and Urban Form-Case Study cities: Accra, Lomѐ, Djibouti”. Led by Dr. Augustus Ababio-Donkor of TRECK, the team had a brief visit to the port of Tema and proceeded to the data collection sites of TRECK. The research team members used the opportunity to deliberate on the data collection methods adopted for the study, the challenges encountered in the data collection process as well as a review of some preliminary results from TRECK.
Leaving the data collection team of TRECK in Accra, the CEALT and CERViDA team proceeded to KNUST, Kumasi campus where they enjoyed the rest of their stay. Hosted by the Deputy Director of TRECK, Prof Yaw Adubofour Tuffour, the team had series of engagements with the University Authorities. Additionally, they were updated on the activities of TRECK and some presentations were made on various research works being carried out by students of TRECK, KNUST. They used the opportunity to explore KNUST, Kumasi campus and the culture of the local people of Kumasi.