Additionally, representatives of the team visited the president of the University of Djibouti, Dr. Djama Mohamed Hassan where they were officially welcomed to the university.
The team used this exchange as a medium to discuss the progress of their research project titled “Comparative Assessment of the Effects of Port activities on Transport, Mobility, and Urban Form-Case Study cities: Accra, Lomѐ, Djibouti” Several presentations were made where the data, results and findings of each Centre were discussed. Ideas were shared and assistance were provided where needed.
The team visited the Doctoral School and other research Centres of the university where several presentations were made to share with the team the research activities and works being undertaken by the university. Members of the team used this as an opportunity to network with other research Centres and faculties for future collaborations.
The team used this opportunity to visit the Port of Djibouti where a meeting was held with the authorities of the port. This opportunity was used to discuss with the authorities the current research project of the Network. The Authorities promise their support for the success of the project.